В усталом состоянии мне всегда хочется потрепаться о музыкальных пристрастиях...
Я обожаю низкие мужские голоса и почти не приемлю высокие.
Всегда есть исключения, но с ходу я не назову высокоголосых певцов, которые мне нравятся. А иногда меня тянет на хриплые, шероховатые голоса. На такие, от которых появляется ощущение, что сидишь в темном, прокуренном баре...Это я собственно к тому, что вспомнила о своих любимых испанцах:
Lo Que El Viento Se Dejo - Mago De Ozо чем поют
What the Wind Left Behind
Yesterday I spoke with a very formal type of guy,
family man and model husband.
His first name is "Promise" and his last name "Lie."
He dictates the rules and how you should live.
Let me tell you, sir, with much education,
that my homeland is my guitar and my nation only me!
Today I want to teach you of my world, and pay attention
to what you see and keep your opinion to yourself.
You will meet Maria, on the corner day and night,
raped by her father. The one on the ground is her mother
who committed a grave error,
she has mono and there's no heroin,
and the child who's crying and begging
is six years of age.
The only flag I raise
is woman's panties.
The only hymn that makes
me tremble is two beers
and awaiting dawn.
The drunk on the corner is
licensed in medicine.
This old man who you pushed away,
it is his pension that you stole.
If you slept in a box, among whores and thieves,
if you went hungry and cold,
you'd understand what I say.
Let me spit this out, but with education,
and whenever you get to the Moncloa*, make a comparison
All that you have seen is my religion,
certainly a donation... your wallet and watch (Come on!)
What the wind left behind is guys like you,
and with all your power you can't take away night,
nor with all your money steal the streets from us,
nor with all your ambition leave us without dreams
You have the national hymn,
and we have rock and roll. (Yeah!)
What the wind left behind...
You met Maria and the drunk on the corner...
(Ahh, you naive person, look at my life!)
If you slept in a box, among whores and thieves...
*Moncloa = the place of residence of the president of Spain, similar to the US's White House.Но песня не совсем типичная для них. Господа с 89 года играют вполне бодрый металл (вроде, не сильна в жанровой дифференциации -___-), который мне гарантированно поднимает настроение =)
Ну и еще: я обожаю испанский!